Friday, January 21, 2011

Who, What, How & Why?

Having recently returned from an extended sojourn to the Pacific Northwest,  I finally resolved to put my own two cents worth into the blogosphere.  To self publish an occasional screed and to hopefully rationally  reflect on the public and private moods of my fellow citizens and even the non-citizens of this incredible nation.

I dreamed a dream an it became a nightmare.  That such a bland cliche could seemingly  become a reality  in  such a short instance is nightmarish and why I'm compelled  to sadly  reflect  upon America at this present time.  Northern California, Washington and Oregon bask in a particular kind of wealth.  Rich with scenery that abounds with natures abundance,  yet slack in any sense of foreboding  as to how much the rest of the United States is skittish and in some states damn scared of it's future.

The Pacific Northwest dreams a dream as pleasant as the sky is high it's air cool,  and it's  rainy weather simply wills itself to transcend it's moody cloudy days into just  more verdant green  scenes,  pasture like peacefulness in suburban dreamt landscapes.  No interruptions of belching and grinding sounds like our discordant  rust belt dystopias rising and surging east to the west in a brittle cacaphony of dysfunctional old metal ringing inharmonious melodies that once sung sweet melodies of industrious sounds;  now all hoarse even more nag (small pun) triumphant with trumpets no more.  Our  scarletts  now an anemic

 dried blood red, our blues, no longer sky high with feint clouds, just mournful and muddy like a hobo's song.  Pitiless moaning,  last gasp type stuff that wounds the observer and the observed. Allow me to end my inaugural post quickly their is much to write and describe.

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